Work Experience
Intel Corporation
Software Engineer
Worked with the Data Center Group on creating the next generation of fabric computing with Omni-Path
- Used Java, C/C++, and Python to develop applications and tools
- Worked on universal Omni-Path flashing and product management tool written in Java and C++
- Tracked programmed boards with a PostgreSQL database of programmed devices
- Created a tool written in Python that tests all cables in an Omni-Path fabric to diagnose for signal degradation
- Multiprocess design allows for quick tests on a fabric containing over 8000 nodes
- Records data over time and attempts to predict if a cable link quality may degrade in the future, allowing administrators to proactively avoid link speed degradation
- Worked with third parties to create specialized tools for their fabric cluster
- Verified and maintained open source compliance for Omni-Path software releases
- Automated report generation for Omni-Path software releases
State of New Jersey Judiciary
Information Systems Technician
Full-time summer software developer internship position that provides opportunities to work with programmers and the applications they create for use throughout the state
- Created a system-monitoring tool that alerts administrators to the health of the application and potential issues with deployed services
- Developed a scheduling application for court buildings so staff can organize meetings and reserve rooms and equipment
- Created a java framework that is actively used in multiple state applications which manages queries against LDAP services
- Worked independently to create a replacement for the previous statistics gathering program that was slow and occasionally inaccurate
- Implemented solutions using Java, JavaServer Faces, JavaScript, and HTML
- Responsible to teach essential skills to new employees
The College of New Jersey
Computer Science
- Data Structures
- Software Engineering
- Discrete Structures
- Computer Architecture
- Operating Systems
- Computer Graphics
- Computer Networking
- Artificial Intelligence
- Theory of Computation
- Computer & Network Security
- Java
- Python
- C
- C++
- JavaScript
- Perl
- Amazon Web Services
- Git
- Gradle
- Apache Maven
- Apache Ant
- Gulp.js
- GNU Make
- SQLite
- PostgreSQL
- Arduino
- Windows
- macOS
- Linux
- Networking
- Encryption
- Artificial Intelligence
- Algorithms
- Software Engineering
FIRST Robotics: Storm Robotics Team 2729
Volunteer Software Mentor
Mentoring students within the programming department to assist with the creation of a robot designed to complete the specified task within six weeks.
- Computer Vision to identify game pieces and robot guidance
- Motion Profiling for robot guidance during autonomous control
- Android application development
- Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controlled subsystems
FIRST Robotics Competition Game Outcome Predictor
Java application that scrapes websites for result data and attempts to predict the outcome of future matches
Connect Four AI
Created an AI for connect four with MatLab/Octave that uses multiple algorithms to determine the best move
Eagle Scout
The Boy Scouts of America